Potted History

 The USP of Ticklish Allsorts

Being formed in 1981, you can imagine we have performed 100’s of shows to thousands of customers and all these shows have been written, devised, performed, and toured by me and Ticklish Allsorts.

Some of these have included:

Ticklish Allsorts Fun Shows – Songs, Stunts, Puppets, Silliness

Ticklish in The Street – Street Theatre Items of Tomfoolery

Mr Punch – Christmas and All Other Special Occasions

Mutiny on the Kit-Kat – A Sea Fairy Tail Panto

King Arthur and His Square Table – Full Length Puppet Show

The King Who Loved To Sing – Giant Puppets for Under 6’s

Moon-rakings – Wiltshire Folk Tales and Legends

Monsters, Beasties from everywhere! – Libraries Project

Snow White and the 40 Bears – Crazy Panto

Little Red Robin Hood – Crazy Panto 2

A Box of Christmas Crackers – A Seasonal Items

The 12 Days of Chris Mouse – Christmas Show for Schools

Heads and Tails – Animal Puppets Stories and Songs

Green Shows, Special Occasions and Themes:

Loads of work at schools, community groups, play schemes and festivals. Theme work written to order: Colours, Shapes, Numbers, Wheels, Water and so many more….

For many years we toured environmental workshops and shows like:

“What a Load of Rubbish” – Re-use, Re-Cycle and Repair show (way before it became popular!)

and “Water City” – how would we survive if global warming continues and waters rise all over the UK. (Also 10 years before it became an issue!)

The Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB) saw us working and loved the way we worked with kids and commissioned us to prepare shows for national touring. We did this with Roadshows throughout the UK from 1997 – 2009, doing some 380 National Road Shows, which turned a vague interest in birding to quite clever experts .

Our shows included:

Swoopers and Hooters – Birds of Prey and Owls

Waders and Grazers – British water and wading birds

Feeder and Breeders – British Garden Birds

Scotland RSPB at 100!  – Celebrating a centenary of RSPB

Goonies and Mollyhawks – International “Save the Albatross” Project

We collected comments from all the shows but this one sums it all up:

“Excellent! Two fantastic people engaging with children in a good, old fashioned way; getting positive reaction, lots of concentration and learning. But I am so glad to say, none of the computer technology, loud mind numbing music and idiot voices so much beloved by the  media today when they attempt to engage youngsters. Theses technologies are also much loved by trendy educationists and Ofsted!!! How wrong they all are. Thanks you for daring to be different and much more rewarding!!! “

It was a very demanding but rewarding time for us and we thank the RSPB for giving us this opportunity to reach so many keen young naturalists.

Shows for Growdups

Being a little musical as well, we often turned our skills to musical theme evenings like Old Time Music Hall and Medieval Banquets and even did some “School Dinners”, French and Italian specials!! Any chance to dress up and show off and give adults a party too.

We also played games

Apart from the shows, we have always provided games and activities with non-competitive games, run-arounds, races, relays, chases and faces! New games, old games, revised games, play canopies, party games, street games, treasure hunts, musical games and  fun dances. I love games and now I have many unusual ones and a unique collection, awaiting publishing!

We also did many arts and crafts workshops

We offered a host of ‘making’ workshop sessions on all sorts of topics, projects and themes. arts, crafts, drama, puppets, masks, hats, junk, jungle, space, robots, pirates, adventures…too many to mention.

Dozens of Clients

Anywhere, anytime, anyplace where families gathered together and children needed entertaining.

Some Past Customers:

Around 400 shows to 20,000 people per year since 1981 produces 100’s of satisfied customers! Libraries, schools, playgroups, councils, theatres, scouts, guides, parks, county shows, fairs, fetes, carnivals, arts events, community festivals, folk days, corporate days, race courses, trains, boats, planes, hotels, Mums and Dads. Countless references and “thank you’s”

PLEASE NOTE: Ticklish Allsorts are not presenting these shows anymore.

40 years on the road, over 20,00 gigs and over 1million miles takes it’s toll and now it is time to slow down a bit.

Website 2007 013Website 2007 008Website 2007 011Gary & Lee Salca Oct 2010

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